Brassia is a typeface that was originally designed for teaching vector tracing. It was first prototyped during a workshop organized by the Velvetyne Type Foundry for the Fig. festival in Liège (Belgium), that took place in february 2019.
Brassia’s design is inspired by Solarpunk, a science fiction genre that looks towards a brighter future based on clean energy production, usually with a distinctive art-nouveau aesthetic. Its letters were drawn by taking a freestyle approach to the latin alphabet, intended to look ancient and futuristic at the same time, with a translation contrast that is typical of pen writing. Some of the letter's designs are also based on ancient and vernacular signs found in the city of Brussels.
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Brassia V1.0 - pseudobulbous
This first version has only capitals and some diacritics and other symbols. Some alternative versions of the capitals are hidden in the lowercase set. The glyphset could grow if there's demand.