Kobata is an experimental typeface based on some simple rules:
1) The only possible shapes are rectangles and circles.
2) Rectangles can’t touch each other on their sides to create more complex shapes, they can only meet by their corners.
3) Circles are the only shape of which the size can be optically corrected by diverting from the 50*50 UPM grid.
(I you want to modify and/or develop this typeface, please follow this rules).
The result is a geometric but functional font that takes some hints from calligraphy, embroidery and digital art. The succession of vertical strokes and square pixels create a visual interference, like a glitch in the font file. Elseways, the dark spots produced by the circles on the page look like raindrops falling on the surface of a pond. You can use it on short texts, for visual identity and art projects, to create a dramatic effect.
In March 2020, a bold style and a variable version were added to Kobata. The bold style is even more graphically strong and abstract than Kobata’s regular weight. It also diverts further from the grid that it’s expected for geometric fonts so create new contrast variations.
To know what you can do with this typeface, please visit our FAQ page.

This version offers language support for all latin alphabet-based European languages. Two styles (regular and bold) and a variable version are already available.